Rabia hecha Fiesta

Although it was over a week ago, I wanted to mention this party we as La Otra Campaña organized to raise funds for the political prisoners of Atenco.  It was a powerful and very successful event at TierrAdentro: I made Molasses cookies to sell, Xmal read my Corredores poem, Tacumba played–a great band of son jarocho, some impromptu chansón français musicians brought down the house at the end, and the magnificent Zapayasos–which gave an extraordinary Forum Theatre presentation on the ravages of development and militarization in indigenous communities–addressing the the role of mass media and even that of the complicity of community members when they are seduced by money and power. Here are some photos and the flyer from the event.

~ by charlottesaenz on November 3, 2008.

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